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Laser Tattoo Removal

Built on ConBio’s Q-switched laser technology, MedLite is best known as the industry's gold standard laser for multi-colored tattoo removal. It also provides a wide range of other indications on all patient skin types.

The hallmark technology is high peak power and short pulse duration. This combination generates a PhotoAcoustic action against the target chromophore – whether it’s tattoo ink, pigment or collagen.

The electro-optic Q-Switch, acting as a high-speed shutter, stores energy between pulses enabling the laser to produce peak power output of 200 megawatts in 5-20 nanosecond pulse widths. The MedLite C6 forces energy at such a high rate, the target chromophores vibrate and shatter, without harming the surrounding skin.

The Versatility you need.

Multiple wavelengths (1064nm & 532nm) provide the versatility you need to treat stubborn multi-colored tattoos plus a broad range of other indications for all patient skin types.

Peak energy where it's needed.

MedLite Laser, with a combination of high power and nanosecond pulse widths, disperses peak energy throughout the layers of the epidermis faster than the normal relaxation time of the tissue. The result is a safe, effective way to deliver energy precisely where it is needed.


Consistent results, no patient downtime.

The ultimate proof of a uniform flat-top beam is in the tissue reaction with consistent results, less complications and no patient downtime. MedLite C6's homogenous beam delivers energy evenly over the skin's surface, minimizing epidermal injury and increasing patient satisfaction.

BEFORE                                              AFTER


Because you are allowed to change your mind...
Medlite laser - the choice for tattoo removal

Medlite Laser


  • Any area on your body can be successfully treated

  • Any color can be successfully removed 

  • Any type of tattoos can be removed:

    • Professional

    • Amateur (homemade)

    • Traumatic

    • Surgical tattoos

How does that Medlite Laser remove the tattoo?

It removes tattoo ink with the energy of light. A laser is a device which is designed to produce one or more specific wavelengths of light. Tattoo ink is removed by using a specific wavelength of light which passes into the skin, but is absorbed by the ink. The rapid absorption of light energy cause the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles which can then be removed by the body's natural filtering systems. The MedLite laser provides maximum tattoo removal while leaving the surrounding skin untouched.


How many treatments will it take to remove a tattoo?

On average,professional tattoos require 6-8 treatments, while amatuer tattoos require 4-5 treatments all spaced approximately 6-8 weeks apart. The number of treatments depend on the amount and type of ink used, and the depth of the ink in the skin.

Dark (blue, black) and red inks will resolve the best. Oranges and purples usually fade as well. Green and yellow inks are the most difficult to remove and additional treatments are needd to produce significan fading.


Will the tattoo completely disappear?

In many cases, yes. Greater than 95% fading of the tattoo may be accomplished. However, it is important to know that there are many, many types of tattoo inks in the use worldwide today. None of which are regulated by the FDA. Not knowing which tattoo ink was used, or how deeply it was applied, makes it impossible for the physician to predict the degree of removal on any given tattoo.


Is the process painful?

The Medlite Laser emits light in very short pulses. The impact of the engery from the powerful pulse OG light is similar to the snap of a small rubberband on the skin. The majority of patients do not require anesthesia, depending on the size and location of the tattoo. Anesthesia creams are available if needed.


What type of post-treatment care is necessary?

An antibacterial ointment and a dressing will be applied to the area immediately after treatment. Occasionaly, there will be pinpoint beeding associated with the tretment. The treated area should be kept clean. Follow your physician's instructions exactly as to what to do during the days following the preocedure. A shower can be taken the next day, although the treated area should never be scrubbed. If a scab forms, it is vital that you do not pick it or scratch it.


How do I get started?

Dr. Katherine Do and Dr. Michael Duong will be happy to discuss this procedure with you.

Please feel free to make an appointment for a consultation to discuss your specific needs.



The most advanced non-surgical technologies for Tattoo Removal

"I loved my tattoo when I got it, but I'm at a point in my life now where I no longer care to have it.The MedLite laser was the solution for me."

-MedLite Patient

Medlite Laser- the choice for tattoo removal

Decorative tattoos have a history dating back at least 5000 years. The desire to remove them has probably existed for just as long.

Early attempts to remove tattoos have had less than desireable results.The use of dermbrasion, saltabrasion, and Argon or CO2 lasers have left behind scars in the place of the tattoo.

The advent of Q-Switched lasers has now permitted the removal of most tattoo inks with a very low risk of scarring. The Medlite Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser is the laser of choice in this class of laser. The Medlite can significantly lighten or remove a wide variety of tattoo inks.

​​​Contact Us

991 Montague Expwy Ste 104

Tel: 408-263-6073

Fax: 408-263-6077

Milpitas Dermatology 

   & Skin Laser Center

Milpitas, California 95035

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