Milpitas Dermatology
& Skin Laser Center

991 Montague Expy, St 104 Milpitas, CA 95035
(near the Great Mall of America) Phone: 408-263-6073
About Milpitas Dermatology
& Skin Laser Center
Katherine Hong Do, M.D.
Certified American Board of Dermatology
Medical, Cosmetic & Surgical Dermatologist
Dr. Katherine Do is a board-certified dermatologist and a Fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. With over 20 years of experience in laser medicine and surgery, Dr. Katherine Do has acquired a vision on how artistry, attention to acute detail, and technology will combine together to ensure optimal aesthetic and reconstructive results.
She is an expert in the field and her Cosmetic Dermatology practice continues to benefit from the latest proven techniques in Cosmetic Laser Surgery, with a long history of successfully reducing the signs of aging and unsightly blemishes.
Dr. Katherine Hong Do is experienced in all facets of adult and pediatric general dermatology. She has expertise in dermatologic surgery (mole and skin cancer removal) as well as cosmetic surgery including soft tissue augmentation (Botox, Collagen, Restylane, and Sculptra), and sclerotherapy (reduction of varicose and spider veins). Laser therapy has become a mainstay at her Skin Institute, where lasers are used to resurface the skin, remove birthmarks, freckles, scars, moles, varicose and spider veins and unwanted hair.
Dr. Katherine Do believes that enhancement of your image can help to improve your self confidence and enjoyment of life. She also strongly believes in your health and safety. Each patient is evaluated by Dr. Katherine Do during an initial consultation. Your medical history, goals, expectations, and lifestyle are all reviewed and a thorough examination is performed. She will discuss her findings and recommendations, and together, you and she will determine a treatment plan that will help you reach your goals safely and effectively. She recognizes that everyone is different therefore treatment plans will vary according to your needs and interests. Above all, Dr. Katherine Do will offer you her personal approach in helping you improve yourself with her special feminine perspective.
Dr. Katherine Do is dedicated to providing the most personalized, attentive, and professional care to you as you embark on the process of improving your appearance through cosmetic surgery. She will assist you in every way she can to help you make the best informed decision while seeking to achieve your goals.
Her teaching experience, research, and interaction with colleagues in various medical associations, give her the opportunity to share knowledge and gain insight from other physicians' unique perspectives. Ultimately this benefits you as her patient.
From her experience and the relationship with many internationally recognized masters of cosmetic surgery throughout the country, Dr. Katherine Do has been able to select from those procedures to be included in her own approach, one which emphasizes different solutions to each individual's needs.
She is committed to making the entire cosmetic surgery process a safe, caring and comfortable experience for you. Her goal is to ensure that you will look back after your surgery and feel certain that you've made the right decision, and that if given the opportunity, you'd do it the same way all over again!
Katherine Hong Do, M.D. is an F.A.A.D. Cosmetic Dermatologists who completed her residency in Dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Dr. Katherine Do was a professor of dermatology, and served as the Chairperson in the Department of Dermatology at Scott Medical Center, USA, Illinois, where the medical students, interns, and residents she taught honored her with "The Teacher of the Year Award".
Dr. Katherine Do was also a Major in the United States Air Force at Davis Grant Medical Center, CA, where she continued to teach residents in dermatology before beginning her dermatology clinic.
Dr. Katherine Do began her studies in dermatological laser techniques at its inception and was an early pioneer in Cosmetic Dermatology.

Michael H. M. Duong, M.D., FRCPC Overview
Board-Certification of Dermatology
Medical, Surgical & Cosmetic Dermatologist
Medical Director of Milpitas Dermatology and Skin Laser Center
Medical Director of Westmount Dermatology Clinic
Consulting Dermatologist at Saint-Mary's Hospital (McGill-Teaching center in Montreal, Canada)
McGill University School of Medicine leading to Board-Certification in Family Medicine
University of Montreal School of Medicine leading to Board-Certification in dermatology

Welcome to our clinic !
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or for an appointment.