Milpitas Dermatology
& Skin Laser Center

991 Montague Expy, St 104 Milpitas, CA 95035
(near the Great Mall of America) Phone: 408-263-6073
Laser Removal of Brown Spots,
Age Spots & Melasma

What should a patient expect during and after treatment?
Treatment may vary, depending upon patient characteristics and the area being treated. You will be asked to wear protective goggles and be placed in a reclined position, depending on the location of the treatment. Dr. Do will use a pencil thin handpiece to direct a beam of laser light to the lesion. In most cases, anesthesia is not required. Some patients report feeling a slight stinging sensation during the treatment followed by some redness which usually goes away in 2-4 hours. Some swelling may also be experienced and may last 1-2 days. There will not be any purple skin discoloration or bruised appearance to the treated skin.
How does the laser work?
A laser generates an intense beam of light. This beam brings energy to a specific site, through a small handpiece connected to the laser console. The laser light is absorbed by oxyhemoglobin (bright red blood cells carrying oxygen) and melanin/pigment (black or brown pigment found in the skin) causing decomposition or destruction by heat of unwanted cells while leaving healthy cells intact.
What is a pigmented lesion?
Melanin is the dark pigment present in skin and is produced by melanocytes. Pigmented lesions occur when an abundance of melanocytes are found in the skin. When dark pigment multiplies, it forms freckles, brown age spots and moles.
Epidermal and Dermal Pigmented Lesions
Nevus of Ota
Pregnancy Mask
Birth Marks
Sun Damage
Proven Reliablility
Built on ConBio’s original Q-switched technology, MedLite IV is best known as the industry’s gold standard laser for multi-colored tattoo removal. It also provides a wide range of effective treatment applications, regardless of patient skin type.
Anti-Aging Maintenance Q-Switched Nd: Yag
YAG technology can help resurface the skin through collagen stimulation.2
Epidermal and Dermal Pigmented Lesions
MedLite is ideal for treating a wide variety of pigmentedlesions including age spots, solar lentigines, café-au-laitlesions and dermal melanocytosis, including Nevus of Otaand Hori’s Nevus.
Non-Ablative Skin Resurfacing
(Wrinkle/Acne Scar Reduction)
The Q-Switched 1064nm wavelength reduces acne scars and wrinkles with minimal to no downtime or discomfort.
The MedLite forces energy at such a high rate, the target chromophores vibrate and shatter, without harming the surrounding skin. This Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser gives practitioners the ability to treat a wide range of aesthetic indications safely, effectively, and comfortably.

Conditions treated with the Laser:
Pigmented Lesions
from sun exposure
from hormones (Melasma or Chloasma)
Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation:
Lentigines- flat brown spots on the skin
Keratoses- slightly elevated pigmented spots often found on the back and hands
Freckles- brownish spots on the skin: common on people with fair skin
Dermatosis Papulos Nigra- small, black marks seen primarily on people of Asian of African descent
Nevus of Ota
Abrasions or cuts
Over-exposure to heat
Hair Waxing
Insect bites or itchy rashes
Improperly performed chemical peels
Peak energy where it's needed.
MedLite PhotoAcoustic effect, a combination of high power and nanosecond pulse widths, disperses peak energy throughout the layers of the epidermis faster than the normal relaxation time of the tissue. The result is a safe, effective way to deliver energy precisely where it is needed.
Consistent results, no patient downtime.
The ultimate proof of a uniform flat-top beam is in the tissue reaction with consistent results, less complications and no patient downtime. MedLite's homogenous beam delivers energy evenly over the skin's surface, minimizing epidermal injury and increasing patient satisfaction.
One laser - four wavelengths.
Multiple wavelengths (1064nm, 532nm) enable practitioners to perform a wide range of aesthetic laser treatments on all patient skin types
Post Operative Care:
Post operative care is minimal. Dr. Do may ask you to use an anti-bacterial ointment on the treated area for a short period of time and will suggest that you stay out of the sun during the healing process. Final treatment results should be evident within 10-14 days after treatment for vascular lesions and within 2-3 weeks after treatment for pigmented lesions. In the meantime, normal daily activities can be resumed with only a slight redness evident at the treatment area.
Treatment may vary, depending upon patient characteristics and the area being treated. You will be asked to wear protective goggles and be placed in a reclined position, depeding on the location of the treatment. Dr. Do will use a handpiece to direct a beam of laser light to the lesion. In most cases, anesthesia is not required. Some patients report feeling a slight stinging sensation during the treatment followed by some redness which usually goes away in 2-4 hours. Some swelling may also be experienced and may last 1-2 days.
The most advanced non-surgical technologies for Age Spots, Malasma, and Birthmarks
Many of these superficial conditions can be completely removed in just one treatment.
Now with the Metlite Laser, pigmented skin sesions can be removed quickly, comfortably and effectively.