Milpitas Dermatology
& Skin Laser Center

991 Montague Expy, St 104 Milpitas, CA 95035
(near the Great Mall of America) Phone: 408-263-6073

General Dermatology
Cosmetic Procedures:
Fraxel Laser Treatment
Acne Scars
Hair Removal
PDL - Pulsed Dye Laser
Red Marks
Broken veins on
face & legs
Acne Surgery
Punch Grafts for scars
Direct Excision of scars
Dermal Grafts
Chemical Peels
Scar Revision
Physician Supervised Skin Care
Eyelid Rejuvenation
Non-ablative Laser Surgery
Lunchtime Laser
Laser Skin Resurfacing
Aesthetician Services
Excimer Laser for Psoriasis & Vitiligo
Our practice is the first in Milpitas to offer the state-of-the-art PHAROS excimer laser therapy for psoriasis, vitiligo, and atopic dermatitis. The PHAROS is painless, there is no downtime, and treatments are often covered by your insurance. Laser treatments are ideal for difficult to treat areas including the elbows and knees, hands and feet, and scalp.
Call us to schedule a consultation to see if the PHAROS is right for you.
Painless Laser Therapy Gives New Hope to Sufferers of Embarrassing Skin Diseases
For the first time in their lives, patients who suffer from some of the most frustrating and embarrassing skin diseases including psoriasis, vitiligo, and atopic dermatitis have real hope for effectively, conveniently, and painlessly treating their conditions.
Here in Milpitas Dermatology, Dr. Katherine Do is proud to be the first physician to offer the PHAROS excimer laser, a gentle and painless phototherapy laser shown to be effective in treating these difficult-to-treat conditions.
The PHAROS excimer laser is different from cosmetic lasers that are usually associated with pain during treatment and post-treatment downtime for the patient. Instead, the PHAROS delivers a highly energetic but painless beam of UVB light directly to the psoriasis, vitiligo, and atopic dermatitis patches through a handpiece that rests directly on the patient’s skin. It features the most advanced optical technology on the market, including an adjustable spot size and guiding aiming beam, to precisely target only the affected skin and spare the surrounding healthy tissue from exposure. There is no downtime for the patients.
Psoriasis is a non-contagious, lifelong skin disease that affects an estimated 7 million Americans. The most common form, plaque psoriasis, appears as raised, red patches or lesions covered with a silvery white buildup of dead skin cells, called scale. In addition to discomfort and itching, psoriasis patients commonly suffer from social embarrassment and depression. Even worse for patients, the usual treatments are messy, time-consuming, and costly. Topical creams and ointments have to be applied several times a day, conventional phototherapy requires 30-40 treatments and thrice weekly office visits, and the newer biological treatments usually cost the patient $2000-$3000 out of pocket each year.
At Dr. Katherine Do, the PHAROS excimer laser is changing the way patients manage their psoriasis and is helping them achieve rapid clearing and long remissions. Patients come in twice each week for an average of 6 weeks, and each quick treatment session that usually takes only 5-10 minutes. Patients usually enjoy several months of treatment-free remission.
Equally exciting for psoriasis patients, the targeted high-dose laser therapy can effectively treat stubborn plaques including knees, elbows, palms, soles, and scalp, even those that have not responded to other treatments.
"I've had moderate psoriasis since I was a child. My doctor told me he could help me achieve remission with the EX-308 excimer laser. I was skeptical, but now, for the first time in 10 years, I can wear short-sleeves and a bathing suit. I am experiencing remission for the first time in my life."
Marilyn R. Michael T. Lin, MD. Encino, CA
"The EX-308 is the only treatment that has ever worked for my scalp. I've tried injections, creams, shampoos, oral medications, and none of it worked. But, since I started the laser treatments, my scalp has cleared more than 85%. There is no pain or side-effects."
Gary D. Ethan Nguyen, MD. Riverside, CA
"When I started treatments, about a quarter of my face was affected. Now, after 32 treatments, the treated areas are more than 85% repigmented. People who did not see me before cannot detect I ever had vitiligo. If I had vitiligo any other place, I would definitely get EX-308 excimer laser treatments. It definitely works. There is no point trying anything else."
A.D. Dermatology Associates, Seattle, WA
Skin Diseases:
Acne Scars
Traumatic Scars
Stretch Marks
Actinic keratoses
Aging face
Birthmarks (red & brown)
Blue veins around the eyes & face
Varicose & Spider Veins of the legs & face
Broken capillaries & redness, Relangietasia
Brown Spots & Blotches
Warts, Verruca
Cyst Removal
Damage from the sun
Dark circles around the eyes
Enlarged pores
Sweaty Palms
Hair disease
Hair loss
In-grown hair
Laser hair removal
Tatoo Removal
Unwanted White Spots
Nail diseases
Precancerous lesions
Removal of Moles
Total Body Skin Exam
Second Opinions
Skin aging
Skin cancers: detection & treatment
Skin diseases from internal diseases
Fungal, bacterial, viral infections of the skin

Vitiligo is characterized by the appearance of white patches of skin on different parts of the body as a result of the destruction of melanocytes. This may vary from one or two white spots on the skin to large areas of depigmentation. Vitiligo is not contagious. For some people, although not for everyone, the depigmentation is progressive. Vitiligo affects 1-2% of the world's population including approximately 2 to 5 million Americans.
“My patients love it. They tell me that the laser sessions fit into their lifestyle and they appreciate being freed from the burden of applying steroids several times everyday. Patients begin to see results after only a few sessions and enjoy much greater self-esteem and a higher quality of life.”,
stated Dr. Katherine Do.