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It seems like everybody is talking about BOTOX® cosmetic, the highly effective, non-surgical procedure that can dramatically reduce your toughest wrinkle. BOTOX® is used on the upper portion of the face and targets the wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows and the crow's feet.

One 10-minute treatment, a few tiny injections, can reduce wrinkles that took years to form.
BOTOX® is a natural purified protein produced by a bacterium that works by relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles. BOTOX® is FDA approved and minimally invasive with no downtime or recovery. BOTOX® treatments typically last between 3-6 months.

Since the approval of BOTOX® Cosmetic by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2002, Allergan has virtually changed the face of medical aesthetics. Men and women between the ages of 18-65 now have the ability to choose science-based, non-invasive medical aesthetic solutions, including BOTOX® Cosmetic and the JUVÉDERM® family of dermal fillers, to achieve their own results. Over the last seven years, there have been nearly 11.8 million BOTOX® Cosmetic treatments recorded in the United States.1 More importantly, its 97% satisfaction rating (survey of 117 patients)2,3 is just one indication of the trust consumers have placed in Allergan.

What Is BOTOX® Cosmetic?

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in people 18-65 years of age for a short period of time.

BOTOX® Cosmetic is administered by Dr. Katherine Do as a simple, nonsurgical treatment that is injected directly into the muscles between the brows. It works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes moderate to severe lines to form between the brows.

Why Does Skin Age?

Aging skin and wrinkles result from a combination of many factors. It’s not just about cellular changes, collagen depletion, hormone loss, or damage caused by free radicals. The 11s – those vertical lines that appear between your brows – result from muscle contractions. When you concentrate, squint, or frown, the muscles between your brows contract, causing your skin to furrow and fold. After years of frequent contraction, those wrinkles can linger even after the muscles are at rest.

BOTOX® Cosmetic works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes the persistent lines to form between the brows


What Is the Treatment Process?

The treatment process for BOTOX® Cosmetic is simple.

Here's what you might expect at the doctor's office from the moment you arrive until your procedure is done. (Please note that although this experience is typical, the routine at your doctor's office may be different.)


Before the Treatment

  • Consult Dr. to determine whether you are a candidate for treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic

  • Your doctor will ask you about your goals to determine where to administer BOTOX® Cosmetic. To do this, your doctor may examine your ability to move certain muscles in your brow area. The location, size, and use of the muscles that create furrow between your brows can vary among individuals

  • Ask the doctor any questions you may have about your expectations for treatment

  • Discuss treatment goals and finalize a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs


Where Can BOTOX Be Injected?

The most common areas for the use of Botox are the frown lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines, and the crow's feet. Some other areas can be treated as well.
















The Treatment

The administration of BOTOX® Cosmetic involves:

  • No anesthesia is required. However, your doctor may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. Discomfort is usually minimal and brief.


Your doctor will administer a few tiny injections of BOTOX® Cosmetic directly into the muscles that cause those moderate-to-severe frown lines between the brows. It takes approximately 10 minutes for the entire treatment.

What are the common side effects?

The most common side effects following injection include temporary eyelid droop and nausea. Localized pain, infection, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, redness, and/or bleeding/bruising may be associated with the inection.


Is there any chance of serious side effects?

Serious heart problems and serious allergic reactions have been rarely reported. If you think you're having an allergic reaction or other unusual symptoms, suh as difficulty swallowing, speaking, or breathing, call your doctor immediately.


Continuing Treatment

If you're pleased with your BOTOX® Cosmetic treatment, you might want to consider a regular treatment schedule to help maintain your results.

You can receive injections with BOTOX® Cosmetic every 3 to 4 months to help you maintain the results as long as you don't have any serious allergic reactions or other significant side effects


Who is being treated with Botox?

Men and women of varying ethnicities have been treated with BOTOX. Because it works on the underlying muscles, t is not expected to affect skin color.

  • Botox was the most popular physician-admiistered cosmetic procedure in the United States for the fifth year in a row with nearly 3.2 million treatments in 2006.

  • Racial and ethnc minoritites accounted for 22% of all physician-administeredcosmetic procedures.

  • Men accounted for nearly 1 million physician-adminitered cosmetic procedures

  • Patients ages 19-34 accounted for 22%of al physician-administered cosmetic procedures.

Freedom of Expression

Relaxed glabellum muscles

Contracted glabellum muscles


After the Treatment

  • No downtime is needed – you're ready to get on with your day!

  • Your physician will give you specific aftercare instructions.

  • Side effects associated with the injection include localized pain, infection, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, redness, and/or bleeding/bruising.


  • How Safe is Botox?

    Botox has been used safely and very successfully for over 10 years, with usage for making people wrinkle free for over 6 years. With the amounts used for wrinkles, the only side effects are both temporary and localized to the treatment area.

​​​Contact Us

991 Montague Expwy Ste 104

Tel: 408-263-6073

Fax: 408-263-6077

Milpitas Dermatology 

   & Skin Laser Center

Milpitas, California 95035

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